Thursday, February 26, 2015

Helpers/ Destiny Drivers

Today i am thankful for my helpers/Destiny drivers. What can i say, but that i have been utterly blessed in this department. All through my life, at every important moment/ venture, God has placed someone with the necessary set of skills, affluence, clout you name it to meet me where i needed them. I could not have made it here by myself. I have had Jonathans, i have had my Esthers, i have had Aarons, i have had Boaz' etc. people have believed in my journey and destiny, sometimes more than i believed and have aided me beyond the constructs of societal norms and acceptances. Rules have been broken for me, new policies put in place for me, God has shown up mightily via individuals to ensure than my future / destiny is secure and manifested. Lord i could go on and on, and still will not be able to do justice to how much help you have granted me this last 30 years, but for the past, the present and future help/helpers make me truly thankful...‪#‎Divinehelp‬#bestillandknowiamGOD#Isaiah41vs10#psalm121vs2;124vs8#30for30#day11

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