Saturday, February 28, 2015

Adventure and Tenacity

Today i am thankful for an adventurous spirit(personality)/tenacity. My life has been a hell of a ride. sometimes i sit back look in the rearview mirror and i just smile at my thoughts, the things i have done and dream of doing, etc. The amazing fact of this particular characteristic of mine though is that it has taught me a very important lesson: No matter how daunting a situation/ experience may seem, it is surmountable. n i have trudged through the wilderness , waded waters, been blinded by fog , burned by fire and singed by smoke. my eyes have watered for long, but i love the feeling i get when at the end of it all, i know i made it. This has made me know that no peak is as high as it appears, all i need is the first jump. I also have been made to look at fear in the face, and like Esther say, if i die, i die; if i perish, i perish. The results doe not always as palatable at first, have been elating and the experiences worth heralding in the end. I may not always like that i cant stop dreaming of the next adventure to take, or that i may have a knack for "pain", but for this attribute i was gifted with, i would not be who i am and where i am. For this and my many more gifting/ characteristics/ attributes, Lord make me truly grateful...#paindoesnotexist#strengthinweaness#Thoushallnotfear#2Timothy1vs7#Joshua1vs9#30for30#Day13

Friday, February 27, 2015


Today i am thankful for Favor. The kind of favor that enables me enjoy in few months what i hoped and prayed for for over four years. The favor that makes everything with my name golden. The favor that has made me enjoy concessions ordinarily unheard of. I refuse to take anything for granted but am grateful that though unmerited, i was "chosen" for this. so for the many occurrences where favor has spoken on my behalf and for this very moment when that same favor is working overtime and is speaking on my behalf, and for the future of maximum favor unparralled, Lord make me truly thankful...‪#‎Tamunobrasua‬#EstherkindofFavor#Esther2vs15-18#psalm30vs5#30for30#Day12

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Helpers/ Destiny Drivers

Today i am thankful for my helpers/Destiny drivers. What can i say, but that i have been utterly blessed in this department. All through my life, at every important moment/ venture, God has placed someone with the necessary set of skills, affluence, clout you name it to meet me where i needed them. I could not have made it here by myself. I have had Jonathans, i have had my Esthers, i have had Aarons, i have had Boaz' etc. people have believed in my journey and destiny, sometimes more than i believed and have aided me beyond the constructs of societal norms and acceptances. Rules have been broken for me, new policies put in place for me, God has shown up mightily via individuals to ensure than my future / destiny is secure and manifested. Lord i could go on and on, and still will not be able to do justice to how much help you have granted me this last 30 years, but for the past, the present and future help/helpers make me truly thankful...‪#‎Divinehelp‬#bestillandknowiamGOD#Isaiah41vs10#psalm121vs2;124vs8#30for30#day11

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Today i am thankful for Inspiration. Many of the decisions i have made or steps taken thus far have been because i was inspired by God, family, friends, nature, things etc. Hard as it may be sometimes to clue into the subtle prodding, confirmation, affirmation etc, i am glad that somewhere inside of me something is able to connect and benefit from the allure an inspired state affords.
In light of this, i am thankful for one young lady whose life inspires me to be better , drives me to get to the top despite the pain, and above all to stay connected to the source of it all. Happy birthday Samfee Doe. I pray that your light will not dim, but you will continue to be a vessel ready to be used of God in the betterment of mankind. For the passion that inspiration enhances and the many more gifts you make available to me, Lord make me truly thankful...#Inspiredliving#compassion#service#Romans15vs13#30for30#Day10

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Today i am thankful for a sense of Purpose/Destiny. Knowing that i am here for a reason, makes waking and living so much better. The idea that my birth, journey, location, etc is part of a puzzle ; the big picture more important than the pieces that the puzzle makes, yet entirely dependent  on them. I am thankful that i am aware of the importance of service and humility as a bedrock of my purpose. Today lord i am thankful that you make me more sensitive to the tenets of my destiny and that you help me humble myself daily as i stay on course for that which you have called me to. For this and all it takes to be a useful tool in your hand, make me truly thankful...#purposedrivenlife#humiltyislifting#Jeremiah29vs11#30for30#Day9

Monday, February 23, 2015


Eight days ago i started a journey of reflection and thanks in the 30 days leading up to my 30th birthday. I initially was posting on facebook but just had the idea to use this forum as well. I know i have not been on here in a while, but i figured it would not hurt to share some of my thoughts. Todays post would be long cos it would include post from all eight days, but subsequent post would be abridged i promise. Welcome to my world as i summarize my 3 decades in words. Thanks!

In 30 days I turn 30, and as I reflectively head towards an important milestone of my life, I am made to remember the many stones that have built this edifice that is my life and I choose to be thankful for it, every piece of it. The mistakes, the hurts, pain, disappointments, betrayals etc. I choose to look for/at the silver lining and see the beautiful lessons each situation and experience has taught me, and how I am so much stronger today than I was yesterday.

Day 1: Today i begin a journey  that allows me to look at the positives and my many blessings for the last 3 decades. A way to keep me accountable for my moods and level of praise as i get ready for the next phase of my life. My life is mine for the taking and for the living, and i choose Joy, gratitude, Love, grace, giving, Family and Friends...#30for30

Today i am thankful for my family, Nuclear and extended. For the events that made me trade being the second child out of four to being the 1st child out of six. For the pain that drives me and makes me strive to be better with each waking day. For the 5 smiles that serve as motivation to push beyond the boundaries of my personal weaknesses. I am cos they are, i smile when they smile, their successes make mine even sweeter, and even when we fail, together we stand knowing they make us stronger. For the Unconditional love shown me by my parents, one that reminds me of what Christ did and who he is. Their arms spread wide welcoming me home in their minds and also in flesh. Despite my many flaws, they still care. They are the wind beneath my wings, trudging me on even when i drag. For this and many more may i be truly thankful...#Familyislife#Familyislove#Godislove#Galatians6vs2#30for30#day1

Day 2: Today i am thankful for my friends. As i look back at where God has brought me from and to where i know he is taking me, i see the footprints in the sand dunes of time and i cant help but be grateful that he gifted and blessed me with the best of friends anyone could have asked for. Many of these angels on earth have been added to my family cos they truly are family. They have sorrowed with me, rejoiced for and with me, prayed me through some crazy tough times and also talked some sense into me when i needed it. I have been told the truth in many ways even when it was a bitter pill to swallow, and they have believed for me when i was too scared or weak to Trust. I cant begin to explain how touched and grateful i am that despite my stubbornness and hardiness, that my friends have weathered the storms of life with me. They have looked beyond the humanness of my being and lended me their hands, shoulders, heart and smiles regardless. And to crown it all up, they make me accountable for my thoughts, decisions and actions. God sure handpicked my own special pack and for this, may he make me truly thankful...#Friendsforlife#Accountabilitypartners#Destinydrivers#Proverbs18vs24#John15vs13#30for30#Day2

Day 3: Today Im thankful for Salvation. The assurance of freedom from sin, guilt and shame.The guarantee of love unconditional, the promise of heirship and oneness with God, as well as a true understanding of the transformative power of Christ and what he did for me on the cross. My journey thus far has not been hitch-free, its been tumultuous at best, but each new day brings with it a revelation of what lies ahead, a confirmation of Gods promises to me when i accepted him as my lord. Im grateful for the times when i felt so detached from him that living hurts, and for those other times spent with him communicating as friend with friend. All the varying experiences have beautified my journey making me better like gold passed through the fire of life, its beauty hidden by the ore and impurities that abound, but made manifest by due process and in time. For this all serving gift i have been given and for the fruits that the world may see, make me truly grateful...#Salvationrocks#GodisLove#JointheirswithChrist#John3vs16#30for30#Day3

Day 4: Today i am thankful for Mentors. These special set of people whose life has inspired me and made me aspire to be a better me. I am thankful for the nuggets of wisdom and the characteristics i have imbibed by watching them, speaking with them and just seeing their lives played out. I am reminded because of them, that i can be anything i choose to be, and that Impossible means nothing. Many of these folks have been silent propellers of my destiny but their influence is far reaching and enables me dream today more than i did yesterday,  and give me the clarity i need to see through the cloud of smoke that may muddle my vision. For all of these people and the many more still in my future, Lord make me truly thankful...#Mentors#Impossible isnothing#proverbs27vs17#30for30#Day4

Day 5: Today i am thankful for my Faith. The substance of things i anticipated even before i was seemingly able to acquire them, The evidence of Gods faithfulness in the my life even when it was not apparent. The knowledge of who i was and where i would be long before my physical environment and circumstances allowed for it. I am a product of Faith. As i cast my mind down memory lane, i cant help but see how far i have come despite the many challenges that existed and continue to exist. I also am tremendously thankful for the doggedness that having faith has taught me. The Knowledge and definiteness trusting and believing God brings and the sweetness of the manifestation of the things faithed because i count him faithful who promised. For the mountains scaled through faith, for the valleys endured by faith, for the rivers crossed and fires ousted by faith, Lord make me truly Thankful...#NowFaithIS#Hebrews11Vs11#30for30#Day5

Day 6: Today i am thankful for Life! It is easy to loose track of how blessed one is when the focus is on 'seemingly" unanswered prayers or things that did not or have not worked out yet, forgetting the most important thing of all, Life. As i chitchatted with a very good friend last night, i was reminded of my potentials and the many possibilities the future brings with it. The true reality hit as i lay awake in bed in the wee hours of the morning, my mind cast back on my journey thus far and i was reminded that i could only be worried about a future i can occupy, a future i can experience, a future of adventure and bliss made possible only because i still breathe. So today in reverence and bowing in obeisance to God, i am thankful for the last 29 years and the 60 plus more i have i front of me: After all there is more hope for a living dog than a dead lion. For Life and all it has brought and will bring with it , Lord make me truly Thankful...#LivingisfortheAlive#youngandfree#Ecclesiates9vs4#Possibilities#30for30#Day6

Day 7: Today i am thankful for my mistakes and lessons learned. As i cast my mind back on all my flaws and the results of the poor decisions i made, i cant help but see how they helped me traverse certain situations encountered at a later time. As hard as some of the lessons were to swallow/ handle, i was/ am better off for them. My life has not been perfect and never will. I have hurt folks in the process, i have said things i should not have, and have done many a things i am not proud of. I however am because of those mistakes. I navigate life with the knowledge that i am not perfect but strive to be a better me. So i give thanks for the many mistakes i made and the wisdom i acquired from each one. Lord for my past mistakes and the future ones, help me appreciate in full the beauty that lie within. Make me truly grateful...#Mistakesarelifelessons#wisdomgivers#proverbs24vs16#philippians3vs19#30for30#Day7

Day 8: Today i am thankful for my failures. The almost had/made it experiences, seemingly wasted opportunities and fall short of expectation/goals feelings. I am not one to say i have never failed, i on the other hand, have failed many times. I see a string of failed attempts at meeting goals set for myself in a timely manner, i see periods of  mediocre and sub par performances that made me hide my head in shame, i remember the looks on the faces of many as they wrote me off, thinking i was done. I however am thankful for my failures, because they were a preparation for my destiny. They gave me perspective and allowed me refocus and re-strategize. They also taught me that i was not as fragile as i initially thought, but that my core was bulletproof, fireproof, waterproof, you name it. My make-up is that of a Maverick, My lexicon excludes impossibilities,My fragility encases my resilience and i have immeasurable power. If i had never tasted failure, i would not have the drive to want to succeed as much as i do. More so, my failures make me human, they make me bound to the that dreamer in some other sphere of the world whose destiny is intertwined with mine, they make me usable to help someone else who has failed like me, but has not found the strength to accept it and move on yet. So today i am thankful for the many chances i have been given and the many more i will have to ensure that i die empty, leaving a mark in my world...#Failuresaresuccessindisguise#bulletproof#titanium#Kime#focus#Proverbs24vs16a#Philippians3vs13#James1vs2-4#30for30#Day8